Products and services


AVENI-RE plays its role as an institutional investor .With a decade of activity; it has become a major player in the reinsurance industry. It is represented in the reinsurance programs of more than one hundred companies and accepts business from more than fifty countries.

Facultative underwriting

Through optional acceptances, AVENI-RE provides cedants additional capacities beyond their automatic capacities.
These acceptances are made in all branches depending on the capabilities available in its coverage areas.

Treaty underwriting

Since 2005, AVENI-RE has been participating in the reinsurance programs of several insurance companies. It is the primary insurer company in the reinsurance program of some insurance companies in the CIMA zone. It intends to develop its treaty portfolio by becoming leader of a number of increasingly growing treaties.

The treaty acceptances include but not limited to Automobile & Civil liability, Marine and non Marine liability, Bonds, Miscellaneous Accident, Fire as well as Engineering risks.

Contact us

Headquarters in Abidjan

Immeuble CRRAE-UMOA 01 PO Box 2865 Abidjan
01 Côte d’Ivoire

Tel : (+225) 20 21 90 15

Fax : (+225) 20 21 90 20

Regional office in Tunisia

Immeuble HAYETT
Angle Rue du Lac Lochness et Rue du
Lac Turkana Les Berges du Lac

Tél : (+216) 71 965 477

Fax : (+216) 71 965 477